Oct 12, 2008

sleep sleep

as tired as i am nOw i still refused tO give in tO sleep..but i think...........................................xzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZ

Oct 8, 2008


the 5 senses

sight reminds Of all lOved
smell impression
taste Over smell
hearing clouds the mind
touch cOnnects One in sight

a flOurish Of heart..degenerates innOcence
lOngroad narrow heart

"( __ )"
crawling in the dirt

" you"? "me"? "them"?

all Of us

rest stOp

alas after a week Of hectic wOrk..i'll be able tO take a day Off.. my feet's hurting...the puff under my eyes are getting wOrse///
it shOws its time tO rest..

i've heard rumOrs that my hard wOrked raya nights(yes i wOrked night during the raya fest) is gOnna be replaced with public hOliday next week instead Of salary reimbursement..
%#$^& wat a let dOwn (:S)

lets dO the calculatiOn:
since im wOrking nights + its the festival hOlidays = i should be getting dOuble fOr the hOurs i kept my eyes desperately Open!!!

if i get my hOliday next week. i wOnt be getting my dOuble pay fOr the hOurs i did during the raya..

i dOnt really mind but the hard wOrk and the time i've missed wit my family gets me agitated a bit..bummer (XS)

Oct 3, 2008


tOday made a first time trip to paviliOn.. the only reasOn fOr my enthusiasm fOr gOing there would be b'cOs Of my little wish tO get a wallet(real genuine leather wallet!) at fOssil..

guess what.. gOt it...its green in cOlOr.. my cOlOr.. price ;) 50% Off the Original price..what a catch^^yay!!

since i kinda went Off budget fOr this mOnth, guess i hav tO tahan a bit..put some shackles On my accOunt...^^ fOr the sake Of getting a new cpu this mOnth^^

nOt Only that..tOday i sent sOmeOne tO the afterlife ...i was scared at first but Once its all Over, i had tO pay the john a visit..hahaha
dunnO whether its wOrth laughing Over (?)

called the lady bOut my DBSK mirOtic but she says its nOt here yet..bummer (:X)
sent my bag fOr some maintenance...had tO gO get it sOmeday later..(:S)

One day Off and then its wOrk again..sad..*TIRED!!!
