Nov 25, 2008

been sO lOng//

though its been tOO lOng since i've updated...

# my mirOtic album is here..both versions.
# been wOrking my butt Off...
# gOt a haircut but since its like ages agO its lOng already... grew bOut half a inch already..cut it in early nOv

the mirOtic versiOn A:
comes in a CD and a 50 page phOtObOOk

mirOtic versiOn B:
cOmes in a CD and A DVD(special interview)


what i want nOw is the mirOtic versiOn C: which includes 4 new tracks + the existing 12 tracks..

the thing is... dO i want 3 albums that have the same sOngs??!
its like i have 3 cOpies Of mirOtic... nO different..sOunds the same..
im waiting fOr their MV tO be released..mayb then i'll really buy...anOther One...

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