Jun 16, 2009

been a while ..nO?!

wOw.. nOw that i've bOther tO check my blOg, its been like 6 mOnths since i've signed in..hahahhahahahaha(can't stOp)

sO many things happened but guess i'll just put up the latest Of things..
after all Our DBSK bOys are currently in the middle Of their TSC cOncerts..
tOkyO dOme cOncert wOUld be in august(?) if im nOt wrOng..

CONGRATULATiONS!!!!! tOhOshinki!!

anOther thing tO b happy bOut is that i gOt myself a "present" and a very expensive One at that!

my "reward"


wOrk was as usual but... i wOnder it was nOt as bz like it used tO b..after all.. with the pandemic and everything*cough* H1N1 *cOugh* scare..
hehehe..nOt as bad as it thinks..(im such a bad persOn!)

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