Jan 7, 2008

JaE JOong's birThDay GuesTbOOk !!

JaeJoong's birthday is coming up!!JANUARY 26 !!
down here is the link to write young JaeJoong a Birthday msg!!

the admin in-charge request that this msg be pasted on blogs so voila! just click on the link to get there^^.....

Hi! I’m an administrator of Japanese TVXQ forum “Tohoshinki Lovers Forum”.
I just wanted to inform you all that now the birthday guestbook is ready in our forum.
Whosoever want to leave a birthday message to Jejung, please feel free to do so.
Here is the link:.....


*No TVXQ photo in your message
*Non-copy-righted p
hotos & pics are allowed to insert in your message.
(Please not tooooo big size. Space limited. ^^)

DEADLINE: January 20, 2008 11PM

Please keep the deadline.
Any messages posted after the deadline will not be included to send to JJ.
Just like Junsu’s birthday guestbook, this e-guestbook will also be sent to Jejung via Avex through Bigeast Fan Club.

Please copy and paste this entire message when sharing this in your blogs, websites, etc.
Please understand any inappropriate messages will be deleted without notice.
Please preview your message before posting it on guestbook.
Preview is still editable. Once you post it, you can't edit it anymore.

EDIT: This guestbook is downloadable to HTML format. After deadline, I will DL it, and send it
as attachment as well as guestbook link by e-mail to Bigeast Fanclub. They will make arrangement
with Avex to deliver it to the member. Fanclub already sent me reply on this matter, and agree to do it.
I prefer this way so that member can save the guestbook in their computer. ^^

If anybody interested in registering our forum, please go to the following URL
To register.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
