Dec 15, 2008

happy birthday!!! junsu

tOday ..its almOst midnight!!!

sO befOre the day ends... happy birthday junsu!!

seen what the fans are sending him...urgh..i cOuld vOmit blOOd with amOunt Of mOney they spent..
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there are:

a dOlce & gabbana bag(its the real deal)
sOme branded bOxers(ahem)
lOts and lOts Of cds..there's like 100 Of them..and they cOme in a bOOk ..recOmmending the cds..
wOah..the fans really have much time tO spare..

anyway..lemme wish junsu Oppa a very happy b'day !!
with mirOtic rising tO such great success..i hOpe the future is as bright as bright as ur "angel smile" ^o^

Dec 10, 2008

what i gOt fOr next year..

this is the FIRST thing i gOt fOr next year...
what els....duh

its sO basic anyOne wOuld dO the same thing..hahahah
click and have a peek...
and dun bash me fOr it...

Dec 7, 2008

THSK_25th single preview(3 min)

lOnger preview..taken frOm their bigeastatiOn..and its clearer..
all credit gOes tO the ppl whO up;lOad them..

Dec 6, 2008

DBSK @ music bank bac'stage

funny... jj looks stoned...loves the funny dances

DBSK HaHaHa SamSung campaign

this is the HaHaHa campaign frOm Samsung featuring DBSK..the Noky brOthers have Only yunhO and yOOchun...

nOky brOthers HaHaHa SamSung part 2

part 2 Of the HaHaHa campaign frOm Samsung tO cheer people up in this depressive times..
hey... Our ecOnOmy isnt very cOnvincing nOwadays..

nOky brOthers HaHaHa SamSung campaign part 1

its a campaign frOm Samsung tO spread laughter arOund since the ecOnOmy is in a slump and everyOne is having a hard time..

silent night..hOly night

nOw im On night...thOse times were a struggle fOr me..always had..
my lids were gOnna just shut and gO intO dreamyland but with much effOrt(and much caffeine) was able tO last the night..whew..its a fight every night..

Once a while i wOuld gO tO the cOrridOr and hav a lOOk Outside..its sO calm..nO cars. nOthing..
just the darkness and the reminds me sO much Of when i was yOunger..

when t was just the dark night and the mOOn with yOu..yOu cOuld smell the clear wind..yOu cOuld smell the mOrning dew as they lay On the greens..its truly nOstalgic...

at 3 a.m Or 4 a.m, when the darkness is even mOre, yOu cOuld feel yOu are nO lOnger alOne..
GOD is there..One thing...

hey.. when yOu are in a place like where i wOrk, yOu'll knOw what i meant.

just befOre yOu walk intO the elevatOr Or
befOre yOu turn intO a cOrner Or
when yOu lOOk inside the rOOms(dark rOOms) and u can see yOur Own reflectiOn On the windOws facing yOu..

but im used tO it...thO at times i wOuld still get the shivers and a bit Of jOlt when my cOlleague appear suddenly frOm a rOOm...

Dec 5, 2008

THSK_25th single_bOlerO

its an audio preview of their latest japanese single, Bolero due release in jan 21 2009...
doesn't it remind u of an anime song..what was it..can't seem to remember..i just know its sung by gackt..

what i want fOr christmas...

ipOd tOuch 2nd generatiOn 8gb

yes...this is what i want...but dun tell mOmmy bOut it >,<*wink* wink*
been lOOking arOund fOr the best price..even cOmtemplating bOut gOing tO singapOre fOr a cheaper buy but ...
why wOuld i gO all the way dOwn sOuth tO get it wen i hav it right here? its nOt gOnna get any cheaper cOunting the etc etc charges gOing intO it..knOw?

if anyOne has any gOOd news fOr me,(hint* hint*) pls cOmment k ( ^o')
i just wanna knOw whats the best prices Out there..
machines is selling fOr RM 949..