Dec 5, 2008

what i want fOr christmas...

ipOd tOuch 2nd generatiOn 8gb

yes...this is what i want...but dun tell mOmmy bOut it >,<*wink* wink*
been lOOking arOund fOr the best price..even cOmtemplating bOut gOing tO singapOre fOr a cheaper buy but ...
why wOuld i gO all the way dOwn sOuth tO get it wen i hav it right here? its nOt gOnna get any cheaper cOunting the etc etc charges gOing intO it..knOw?

if anyOne has any gOOd news fOr me,(hint* hint*) pls cOmment k ( ^o')
i just wanna knOw whats the best prices Out there..
machines is selling fOr RM 949..

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